
Can I workout even if I'm a little sore?

Okay so for the past 2-3 weeks I started working out everyday. I do strength straining and cardio. I take about 1 rest day a week and sometimes 1 active recover day. But I've noticed that the day after my rest day is when I feel sore and I don't understand why. I took a rest day yesterday because I was too busy and couldn't find time to workout. But now today I want to go workout and I'm a little sore. I wasn't sore at all yesterday so I don't understand why I'm sore today.

I don't want to take another rest day because it makes me feel guilty but I know that they say that you shouldn't work out when you're sore. Just want to understand why I'm only sore after my rest days and if it's okay to still work out.

submitted by /u/FunkyJessi
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