
Need some advice on calorie deficit

Hey you guys! First post in here. I’m a 21 y old female 5’7 158 lbs. I started at 165 and I’ve gotten down in weight a bit by inconsistently counting macros/Cals. I really want to feel more secure with my body. I’m a paramedic and transitioned from working on an ambulance and being incredibly active, to a busy doctors office job but with a lot less physical activity. I’ve gained about 20 pounds in the last year due to a lot of factors (switching jobs, getting married, death of my dad) and I’m discovering more about myself and my tendency to use food to cope with stress. I also moved away from the mountains where I used to hike regularly. I’m struggling to find workout ideas that I actually want to do. I enjoy the gym but my work schedule is ridiculous and I keep making excuses not to go.

I guess what I want to know is if anyone has suggestions on where to begin? I’m really bad to start a plan (ie 1200 cal and gym 7 days a week) and then bail a week in. I end up feeling like a failure and being afraid that every day I miss a workout or eat something unhealthy I’m ruining my body. I’m trying really hard to find a balance for my health and fitness and wondered if you guys had any tips of ways to set myself up for consistency. I’m trying to build healthy habits. I just don’t know what they should be. I don’t want to start too small either. I just wanna find something I can stick too. I’m so sick of friends and family commenting about me gaining weight :(

submitted by /u/Silent_Mirror_7714
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