
Is losing 25 pounds in 5 weeks a tall order?

I am 23F and at 5’7. I am over 90 pounds over my ideal weight (135) and over 80 pounds over my maximum healthy weight (149). I’m currently 227 and I’m trying to lose as much weight as I can in the shortest time possible. This is because I am sick of my new health problems and sick of going to the ER so often.

My immune system sucks to the point that I got shingles and strep at the same time at my young age. I also have sleep apnea and joint problems as well as a herniated disc due to my weight. My arteries are clogging up with cholesterol and I now have PCOS and losing all my hair.

I’ve lost massive amounts of weight 3 times in my life. I kept gaining it back because my old psychiatrist of 9 years gave me so many meds that turned out to be useless. I went to a new psychiatrist that told me that I never had any of the disorders the old one diagnosed me with (I have autism and ADHD, NOT borderline/bipolar II/schizophrenia).

I plan to lose 50 pounds in around 5 months, starting with a 25 pound loss in 5 weeks followed by another 25 pound loss in 4.5 months. I’m so sick of being so sick and being a slave to my own body. Also, I don’t want my old psychiatrist’s mistakes to kill me before I’m 60. That’s such an awful way to die.

Thank you to the kind people of r/loseit for reading this! Any advice is helpful and I’m thankful for any comments!

Hope everyone is safe and well šŸ˜Š

submitted by /u/Roses_in_the_Rain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

