
Body Dysmorphia - it has me in its clutches

30F HW: 345 CW: 215 GW: 170 5'9"

I had gastric bypass in December of 2020. In that time I have lost 130 lbs and I went from a size 26/28 in pants to a 14/16 and from 3x in shirts to M/L.

I have completely reversed my type 2 diabetes and no long have NAFLD. My PCOS is also in remission, my blood pressure is normal, and my resting heart rate went from 99 to 60.

To say that I feel so much better would be an understatement. However, I am having one problem that I didn't expect I would have. I believe that I have Body Dysmorphia.

I know that I am not 345 pounds anymore, but every time I look in the mirror, I STILL SEE 345 POUNDS. When my boyfriend wants to see if he can pick me up, I freak out because I imagine him picking up someone that is 345 pounds. I am worried about going on rollercoasters and sitting in chairs because in my head I'm 345 pounds. When people look at me, I think it's because I'm still 345 pounds even though I know I am not.

My family doesn't understand what I am going through. They call me "skinny" every time I see them, they tell me how great I look, but I can't see it. I can only see that I'm still 345 pounds. When I tired talking to them about it, they say that I'm just making it up.

I just don't know what to do and it's incredibly disheartening. Has anyone gone through this? What has helped?

submitted by /u/reallydude_666
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

