
Down 10 lbs over 6 weeks

31M 5' 10" SW: 252lbs CW:242lbs GW: SHORT TERM 219lbs LONGTERM 199lbs

Been following this reddit for awhile now. Having been 180lbs to 190lbs from the time I was 19-25, my weight has shot up the last five or six years to a whopping 250lbs. Seeing that 5 after the 2 was a wake up call. Been restricting calories to around 1400-1500 per day and fasting everyday until around 3 o'clock. Starting a new job this month has actually helped with my fasting. I've been cycling 6 miles a day 3 times a week with a goal of bumping that up to 5 or 6 days a week if I can. When I hit my first goal of 219 I will post again. Dont really have a timeline for it but I'm hoping by May/June I can hit that goal.

Appreciate everyone's inspiring stories here. You all helped me get the wheels in motion!

submitted by /u/LaRock89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

