
I am undergoing an operation tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed for me please! FOLLOW UP

The operation underwent as planned. They told me it took about an hour and a half (as planned) but I was out cold for much longer than that - I regained full consciousness about 8 hours after the operation has begun (I only have snippets of waking up before).

The next day I was taken for an X-ray to check whether the new stomach is not leaking (it wasn't) and for a USG to check everything. All was fine. I was allowed to drink water (I should drink around a liter). The next day they sent me home.

All is good. I don't feel hungry, I feel only a little pain from the wounds from the operation, but they are healing fast. I can drink soups or eat yogurts now, in a few days I can introduce some solid food to my diet (with great caution though).

I was taken to the hospital last Monday and have lost 8,5 kg so far. It's going well so far.

Thank you for all the encouraging words under my last post!

submitted by /u/Argemen2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

