
Should I shift my goal weight?

TW: mention of eating disorder

Hi! I am a 19 year old female (5'6", 189 lbs/ 167 cm, 85.7 kg). For context, I have been losing weight for about a month and a half and have shaved off ten pounds so far.

I am worried that my goal weight is too heavy according to a BMI chart. My goal weight is anywhere from 150-160 pounds currently, which concerns me because that technically puts me in the overweight section of the BMI chart.

The reason I have my goal weight so high is that I have always had more muscle and a higher bone density than other women. I don't know if that can be attributed to hormones, or if it is just because I was an athlete for my entire life and my body learned to build muscle; regardless of the reason, my muscle mass has always made me weigh in a little heavier. Just to provide an example of the way my body clings to muscle, even after a full year and a half of struggling with a restrictive eating disorder, I still carried more muscle than the average female (according to an inbody scan).

That being said, I have read a few mixed stances on the BMI chart. Some say that being in the overweight section presents health risks and people should always aim for the normal BMI range, and others say that it's not a reliable tool, which has left me feeling confused.

I would really appreciate all y'all's thoughts on whether I should shift my goal weight down, or if I should shift my attention away from BMI.

Sorry for the long post!

Tl;dr I am worried that my goal weight is too high because it registers as overweight on a BMI chart, and don't know whether to shift my goal weight down or pay less attention to BMI.

submitted by /u/r_achelz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

