
Losing hope when not able to lose weight.

Being a teenager I had always been taught by my mother that I shouldn’t eat this,I should dress up like that. I should exercise and many more taunts by my family members. And thanks to all those people who made me feel super insecure about myself and my bulky legs. I was 12 when I wore skirts but after that its been 6 years and I am still not feeling confident enough to wear shorts, skirts or dresses. I know I am supposed to love my body and feel comfortable in it. But is it really easy to wake up one day and decide to love yourself. Whenever I went for shopping, I used to try on dresses and shorts but when I used to look in the mirror I used to hate it. That made me feel as if I am not made for such stuff and people would make fun of me or judge me. I used to end up eating more that day and totally opposite the next day, I even started to restrict myself to not eat more than 700 calories and that’s where all the problems started…../

submitted by /u/xxvgxx007
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

