
I deleted my tumblr today

I'm an 18 year old 5'3 170pounds.

I feel so guilty thinking about this but it's part if my past now. I used to look up weightloss motivation and discovered the world of ed tumblr.

This started around the age of 14. Four years now. I started at 190 pounds and got down to about 156. I gained a lot of it and my weight had been fluctuating a lot due to binge and restrict cycles.

I want to start a healthy approach to weightloss but I keep getting scared it will take too long.

I keep saying I'll start tomorrow, when tomorrow comes, I'll go buy a ton of junk food and eat it alone because I feel I cannot lose weight so why not just eat? Or what's the point? I have no access to therapy about BED.

I dont know how to eat healthy just restrict to lose.

I want today to be my day 1. I want to come back and update in 3 months. Cheers.

submitted by /u/Charming-Macaroon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

