
Eating during the night and some advice

Hay y’all! I’m trying to lose a good 60 to 70 pounds. I’m currently 280 pounds and I was 305 about 2 months ago. I’m working out everyday( mostly cardio) , eating right, and not drink alcohol at all. I also am drinking about 2 gallons of water a day because I read that you are supposed to drink a ounce of water a day for every pound you weigh if your trying to lose weight. For the past 10 days I can’t seem to get past that 280 mark and looking for a little advice on how can I improve. Also another fact is that I wake up during the night and be a bit hungry so when I wake up I get a granola bar and a glass of milk and eat that almost every night. Is that ok to eat during the night when your trying to lose weight. I’m trying to get to my ideal weight and size by Christmas so I want to get it right and appreciate any feedback. THANKS YALL!

submitted by /u/Whodatwedat28
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

