
Fallen off this past month

21F SW:153 LW:136 CW: 140

Hi!! I’ve worked really hard the past few months to lose weight and was on a really good streak. Worked out 3-4 times a week and was really good about what I was eating and not snacking.

Stress with graduation has picked up and I find myself stress eating and out of control. Nothing crazy but it definitely is not what I want and I know it will lead to more weight gain.

Any tips to get back on track? I find myself eating well all day at work then snacking late at night when I’m stressed with homework. I feel bloated all the time! I also have had less time/energy for the gym. I’m hoping after graduation I will be able to go back to my normal gym schedule. How do I stop the cravings!!?

Tomorrow is a new day: going to hit the gym and try to get back on track.

submitted by /u/sushii0921
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

