
Should bone mass decrease??

I have been working out for 3 months now and I invested in a scale that has a bioimpedence scanner that shows your bmi, body fat percentage, Protien, body water etc... It also shows bone mass.. When I started working out my bone mass was 3.4 kgs which has dropped to 3.27 kgs....

Should I be concerned about this?

Is it also concerning to have weight fluctuations?

My weight keeps fluctuating between 77-78 and mainly it's the muscle mass, fat free body weight and skeletal muscles that differs and rarely bone mass..

I have not consulted any professionals as of yet as most things have shut down due to corona..

I've been doing it on my own and have had some result but I just want to confirm that I'm not doing anything wrong...

Thanks for your help..

submitted by /u/Whiteknight170
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

