Just a rant paper I typed up I thought a lot of us have probably considered. Excuse my theorizing, the types of adults stuff is just opinion
About Being Overweight in America
i.e. in regards to processed foods
Growing up, we see and consume unhealthy processed foods all the time. Fast food is desirable, candy treats are a prize, and advertisements target impoverished families. Junk is quick, cheap, convenient, and most of all, delicious. So really it’s no surprise that most Americans grow up with a taste and hunger for processed foods.
When we eat processed foods the chemicals make us feel good in our head. But the foods are not designed to sustain us, only to provide a moment’s stimulation/enjoyment, like many other aspects of American culture. So we end up hungrier, our bodies not satisfied, craving another fix.
What I’m trying to explain is our culture and diets growing up have dangerous consequences on us as adults. From what I can tell, few adults have the ability to eat processed foods and not gain weight. It begins with our habits in childhood, then the weight gain starts to increase in our late teens. Finally, we reach our mid-20s and it escalates from there as we find jobs and develop more stagnant lifestyles. Through all these stages in life, the processed food is always there, the only thing that changes is our bodies’ ability to respond to it.
I’ve observed about 3 types of adults and constructed a theory about how processed foods are affecting the American lifestyle.
The Responsible Type. The High Functioning Type. The Realist Type.
As you can probably guess from the names,
The Responsible Type - Has the ability to understand that processed foods causes them to gain weight and tries to eliminate unhealthy items from diet.
The High Functioning Type - Most likely exercises a lot and/or consumes fewer calories, thus able to remain at a healthy weight, or in some cases, able to eat processed foods and still be underweight.
The Realist Type - Probably understands that eating processed foods causes weight gain, but eats it anyway because of financial or convenience reasons.
Most Americans, myself included, are type 3. I’ve been 200 pounds for at least a year now, and have been overthinking about my inability to shed some weight. For a while I tried Intermittent Fasting and light exercise (walking, lifting weights) but I never made any progress because of my diet.
I know eating processed foods late at night is bad, but I have trouble fixing these habits because of my working schedule. A classic story, an American dilemma. We’re drowned in processed foods from infancy and are unable to give up bad habits when they start affecting us as adults. With so many people in the same dilemma, the processed food companies continue to profit, making the unhealthy junk that daily habits and chemical addictions urge us to buy.
A lot of people end up developing eating disorders because they’re concerned with their weight. I grew up coveting junk food my mom tried to keep us from while she struggled with her own addiction. I hated my overweight body as a kid and am now an overweight adult. American adults are just living normally, and are overweight, as a result.
Alright, you guys can tell me if this is basic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/mhlbtt/in_regards_to_processed_foods/
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