
Hairy and in pain

Hello, I need a bit of an advice.

Just for additional information I'm a female in my early 20. My highest weight was 264lbs [120kg] and since December 2019 I have lost 100lbs so I am currently down to 163lbs [74kg]. I still intend, well I am aiming to lose 20lbs more and get to 143lbs [65kg]

Along my weightloss journey I came in contact with a bunch of problems that I'm somewhat trying to fix along the way but pretty much failing or having very little success

  • Firstly I lost about half of my hair on my head. Still trying to figure out what to do with that. It's still falling out more than it used prior to weightloss but it has also slowed since I first started losing it. I think I first started seeing major hair loss a year ago when I lost about 25lbs. I used to have a lot of hair

  • hair on my body on other hand is insane. I never in my whole life had hair at the back of my thighs. Well if I did it was hardly noticeable, light and short. But now with weightloss there's long black hair growing there. I have no clue what to do or how to make it stop growing (without getting any procedure done)

  • my digestion is messed up and I struggle to go toilet now. I never had any issues with that. I obviously consume less food but not to the point I can go days without using toilet. Started experiencing this after IF and now even when I stopped with that nothing has improved

  • tailbone pain. I cannot sit without my tailbone hurting like hell. This is something I haven't tried fixing yet since I only started experiencing it lately. How does one even go about it though. Worried that when I lose even more weight it's going to get more painful

  • back acne. Again I never got back acne before. Just lately I've been getting big spots on my back

I'd appreciate any advice or just their experience on any of the matter I talked about

submitted by /u/snowlols
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