
Math when my brain is fried

I am trying to hit my final goal before skin surgery of 199lbs down from about 500lbs. I have been around 203lbs - 208lbs for weeks and have really been trying to track as close as I can get. I know that without my skin that will be coming off they said I would be around 185lbs but I am not going to schedule it until I hit my 199 goal. Having said all of this I need help with something. I have started tracking my meats before and after cooking and the scale messed everything up tonight.

Before cooking my ground turkey was 1.4 pounds, after it was 12.2 oz, when you add in the 4.8 oz of water and the 38g of taco seasoning it came to 18.3 oz. I took out 8.9 oz thinking it would leave me with a little over 9 oz left. Meat alone I was going to track the pre cooked weight again for tracking however the bowl which is 3.8 oz must not have totaled out and when I went back to check what was left, the remaining meat was 6.3 oz.

Before my brain just melts out of my ear holes I just would like help figuring out the conversion of pre cooked to cooked and what the total oz of pre cooked meat would be to track. I swear I am not crazy just frustrated and feeling stupid.

submitted by /u/Grekkor81
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