
I gained weight and now get defensive when I’m asked if I wanna workout or eat a healthy meal

20F / 150lbs / 5’0

Last summer I had a really good routine with working out and eating healthy. I was at my lowest weight which was 118lbs. When the pandemic hit I wasn’t working for about 3 months so my old habits came back and I gained back all the weight I had lost plus more. I feel disgusting everyday but can’t find the motivation to pick up my good habits again.

I’m pretty short so my weight gain was obvious to not only myself but the people around me. This has been very hard for me and doesn’t give me any motivation to do better. It’s mostly my brother. He constantly asks me if I want to workout with him and offers to make me a healthy dinner. I don’t know why but I get defensive and mad whenever he asks this. Maybe because I’m embarrassed and can’t come to terms with the fact that I gained so much weight. Has anyone else ever gone through this? I’m taking baby steps like buying healthy groceries for myself but the thought of going to the gym sounds so embarrassing since I got so big. Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/throwawayihate2020ah
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