
How do you handle holiday binging while dieting?

I’m in college, and I’ve been home for the last few months. My entire family came home for Christmas, and we’ve been feasting for the last week and a half. My mom has pulled out all of the stops in cooking dinner and has made all of the best dinners she knows how to make. Unfortunately, all of those recipes are typical Midwestern, unhealthy meals. I’ve told my family a few times that I’ve recently started a diet and am trying to limit my caloric intake. They keep making fun of me for doing this and telling me to just take a few weeks off during the holidays. I really want to spend the next month before I go back to college eating as healthy as possible, so I can’t just take time off from this. Does anyone have any tips for how to diet when I have no support system in place at home and all of the available food is unhealthy (and so so tempting)? I’ve been going to the gym to work off the big dinners I eat, and I meal prepped for the next few days with a healthy dinner. I just don’t know if I can do that every day.

submitted by /u/city_slicker442
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