
I hit 400lbs

I always told myself I'd never let my weight get anywhere close to 400.

I'd change my lifestyle before I got there. I'd track my calories and become active. No way I could ever reach 400lbs. That's not me, no way.

I just did. I took off my clothes just to try and see if it would make a difference, but nope. Just a digital scale displaying 400.1

I feel like a fucking failure, I can't even wipe my ass sitting down anymore, my dress clothes don't fit me. God please I don't want to wear 4xl, my 3xl clothes barely fit anymore. I'm a 19 year old guy and my body feels like I'm 80 years old. Sometimes I'm claustrophobic in my own skin.

I'm fucking trapped in my own body and I feel like a failure. The depression I went through during quarantine, the last 4 months, ended up with me gaining 30 pounds.

I need to change. Hopefully this inspires others to not get to where I am, it's not fun.

submitted by /u/xthrowaway1200
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

