
Dunno if I'm right, or have BDD, or just dumb

Backstory - I'm a little over 5'8 and weigh 136lbs. I've lost more than 60lbs(1½ years?) and in the last three months I've been slowly bulking( ~200-300 cal) and going to the gym regularly. Now it's Quarantine and I've been following a full body workout 4 times a week with my 25lbs+25lbs dumbbells.

My question : This seems too thick for loose skin and too thin for fat. So, which is it? Is this fat around my lower abdomen and hips or just loose skin? Sorry for the sweaty pics.

It's way too flabby, soft and squishy. Now, I've read about the woosh effect but it's been like this for the past 4+ months. Idc about the abdomen that much. It's the wide hips that's driving me nuts. What do you think it is, and what should I do? Tiny calorific surplus/deficit + full body home workout?


submitted by /u/thr000aw0y
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

