
I officially lost 22 lbs since starting in October!

progress pics

Not really anything special, I know, but just wanted to share. I started out at 83 kg, although my highest weight ever was 92, which was a year or two ago. January wasn't a great month so I lost some progress there, but overall, I am pretty proud of myself. I have intentionally lost some weight in the past, but never more than 5 or so kilos, and I always regained it within a month or so.

The thing that really really really helped me was buying a Kitchen Safe. I know they are rather expensive, but I have no self control, so the cost of snacks for me was about the same as the safe. I live alone and am a student, so I don't have any financial responsibilities that can't wait a couple of days, So On friday I do all my groceries, and then I lock up all my left over snacks and my cash/cards for the week, so I can't possibly go out and buy late night snacks, like I used to do. Really, I recommend it to anyone who is struggling with excessive overeating!

submitted by /u/Party-Associate
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

