
Dipped below 90kg (200lbs) for the first time in... a decade!

Hi /r/loseit,

I stepped on the scale this morning, and finally it read 89,4 kg ! 197 lbs! It must be around 10 years ago that I've been below that number. At my fattest I was 106kg (233lbs).

Around 10 years ago I met my GF (now fiancée!), and over the years the weight kept going up, not fast, but a few kgs here and there. Then we moved in together, and it only got worse.

We both like to eat well, and a lot. So it kept on piling up. Several attempts that failed (weight watchers at home, just eating a lot less, etc) and when I stepped on the scale back in October I could cry. 106! I was now in the 'obese' category, and couldn't believe it.

My Mondays and friday nights (when my SO wasn't home) were filled with chips, fatty cheese, beer etc. Or when I couldn't sleep I would get up and eat 6 sandwiches. I wasn't in the best place emotionally so I figured the food would help. Yea, we all know that it doesn't help.

I was finally fed up enough and sought professional help. I went to a dietitian and she helped me make up a good meal plan. Better breakfast, a good meal at noon and a nice homecooked meal in the evening. Since I've started I haven't eaten at night, nor have I binged on chips.

I still had difficult moments, but I've never lost control and best of all, I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I keep track of what I eat (just an excel sheet) and I go over it with my dietitian. It works for me.

I'm not there yet, I'd love to go down to 80-85kg. I've also picked up running (shout out to /r/c25k ) and that certainly has helped with my motivation and focus as well.

And, as a nice NSV: people are really starting to notice, and I've gotten quite a few compliments. (And, I have no idea what to say.. as a guy I'm not used to getting compliments!)

To everyone here, keep going!

submitted by /u/lonely_ref
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

