
Planning to go into the New Year Strong....

I’m currently a 24 year old 5’10 male weighing in at around 320lbs. I get tired walking upstairs, can’t last to long in bed with my girlfriend, and had to buy new clothes because I’m too big for anything I own. I eat a lot of fast food and don’t work out.

Now that I have faced the truth that I continually try to ignore, this next year is going to be different. I’ve heard time and time again that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so going into a new I hope to have a habit of cleaner eating and a workout routine that I can do both at the gym or at home when I don’t have time to go to a gym. With the semester ending, I don’t have an excuse not to go to the gym after work now. My first goal weight it to reach the 250-260 range. I wanna buy new clothes what I have now is to big not the other way around. I wanna not be winded after short walks and feel confident in my body.

I’ve been ghosting this sub for a while but I decided to become active since Thanksgiving is over and the new year is quickly approaching. I’ve been encouraged by so many stories in here that I think maybe if it can happen to them, I can happen for me too

submitted by /u/--Samurai
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

