
Sweating like a pig - a minor rant

Edit: my issue below only relates to face sweat. I don’t generally sweat that much anywhere else on my body.

I’m 23 year-old female and 242lbs. For those of us in the southern hemisphere it’s getting hot. I get major face sweating- I could be outside for 5mins and I’ll sweat like I’ve done a whole workout. My workplace is up a hill and you better believe I show up to work sweaty-faced everyday. I mean people notice and I can see that people notice but there’s not really anything I can do.

If I move, I will sweat.

It just make me feel so much fatter than I already am and it’s kinda impacting my perception of how other people view me. Luckily not many people mention to me and if they do, I just lie and say that I ran up the hill to my workplace because I was in a hurry sighs

submitted by /u/Long-train-rides
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

