
I just ate a whole bag of mini snickers in two days. I’m ready.

So I did what the title says I did.

I’ve got acne.

I’m clinically depressed.

I feel pretty sometimes, but mostly I feel uncomfortable in my own skin.

I’m unhealthy.

I’ve let myself go.

I’m unmotivated.

I’m lethargic.

I’m deeply unhappy.

They might be a size S but they’re sweatpants and they’re too tight.

Let me clarify, they are basically thick leggings.

I’m exactly 180lbs with a wireless bra on, according to my scale... and I just pooped.

I. Have. To. Do. Better.

So starting today I’m feeling the burn 5/7 days a week and I’m eating more greens and I CAN FUCKING DO THIS so I’m gonna fucking do this.


submitted by /u/bemusingmusings
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

