
a short observation about my binge today

I binged for the first time in a month today. It was really bad. But this post isn’t quite about that. I already beat myself up over it and I already decided to forgive myself to the best of my abilities and move on.

It happened at around 2pm and I decided no more food for the rest of day. It’s now 1am. Between then I hit the gym and got a decent amount of work done.

Observation: I haven’t felt any hunger!

It’s incredible how once you are in tune with your body, you realize how absurd your old habits are. Normally I would binge, then eat again in a few hours, then again, then again. Obviously I was paying no attention to hunger or my body’s needs when I did that.

Today’s binge sustained me perfectly well for 11 hours and now I will go to sleep, so add another 8 hours on top. On the other hand, while eating my low-calorie meals, I get hungry after a few hours.

That’s it, not a major post but I just wanted to share! Anyone else have a similar experience?

submitted by /u/Lutenbarque
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