
[QUESTION] I’m 6’4, 308 pounds. I’ve been stuck at 308 for over a week now

I’m 6’4, 308 pounds. I’ve been stuck at 308 for over a week now despite working out harder, trying to eat less, downloading myfitnessapp and tracking what I’m eating and I seriously am struggling to break through this plateau. I know that food is the most important factor, but I’m not sure what advice to take. For the most I’ve just been distance jogging with 4-6 miles with the occasional day of doing some upper body work. I want to get down to 246 but at this rate it will take forever. I eat about 2000 calories on the average day and I burn roughly 1,000-1,200 calories during my workouts. Can anyone give me advice as to how much or how little I should be eating or any advice to break out of this plateau? Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/gtxchallenger
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