
Who or What helped a

I am still working on my weight. I used to weight 400 pounds and now I am a cool 155. It's been a lifelong struggle to get to healthy. One question people ask me is, "How did you do it."

I tell them, "Eat less exercise more." Of course it's not that easy. It's finding what works and adjusting to it.

!. I got a dog. Honestly, for me it was key. Not only did I have to walk my dog, but she gets me out of my place and out with people.

  1. Having my sister give me a Fitbit for Christmas. It has been a primary motivating factor, with the caveat that it turned me into a competitive monster, but mostly, I am competing with myself. If I don't do 25000 steps a day I feel like a lazy slacker.

  2. Changing my focus from being socially acceptable to improving my health. It became all about getting my type one diabetes in under control.

  3. Feeling better and being able to wear fashionable clothes literally for the first time in my life.

  4. Setting goals to do fun things.

  5. A few friends who made a commitment to my well being and came to meetings with me and encouraged me.

submitted by /u/BBFan1958
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

