
Nothing like a kid staring you up and down

I volunteer at my kids’ school once a week. Today I went in and since the weather is nicer I wasn’t all covered up in baggy, warm clothes. I had on fitted jeans and a top that I actually tucked into my jeans!!! Yes, I was able to tuck a shirt in and it looked amazing!!!! Anyhow, I digressed. So this little 7 year old girl stands in front of me, with her hands on her hips and just stares me up and down a couple times. Then she jumps for joy, claps her hands and says “you’re skinny now!!!!!” Not going to lie, I was embarrassed, but then I chuckled bc who else to tell it like it is than a little kid.

Should note, I’m not really skinny, just down considerably. Started my journey in December at 267 (probably started the school year almost 10 lbs heavier) and this morning I weighed 185.

submitted by /u/LegallyRubia
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