
It’s been a month, and I’m back to a healthy weight!!

I started exercising in March, but only started CICO at the beginning of this month. I’m down from 141lbs down to 132lbs!! I’m now a healthy weight for my height (5ft 1)!!!!!

I put a lot of weight on because for two years I basically never left the house (mental health. ew), and I’ve never had the best relationship with food (binge eating, purging etc). But doing CICO has made me feel so much better! It gives me something to work towards, and I’ve been so much happier since starting!! I’ve been eating much healthier (I never thought I’d enjoy salads!) and actually thinking about what I eat!!!

I can’t really share this sort of thing with my friends, so I wanted to post here!! I hope it’s alright. Have a great day :-) <3

submitted by /u/beetlbm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

