
I am 13 (male) and weigh 275 lbs.

Title. I'm a 13 y/o male, and am about 5'6". My parents have pretty much loaded me up with fat and sugar for my whole life, and haven't had any interest in me exercising. Finally, I stopped, and took a look at myself. I've been big my whole life, and haven't thought much of it, but now it's out of control. I had a talk with them and now I am going to do something about it. We've hired a personal trainer at our local gym for me, who has me do a lot of varied different exercises with free weights, machine weights, and cardio, and I'm starting a very heavy diet (for me), which will consist of 1900 calories a day, and a lot of greens and protein with almost no carbs. It's been hard so far, but I've lost 6 lbs already. If you have any advice or anything you think I should be doing, let me know.

submitted by /u/DogeDeadMeme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

