
Having trouble estimating portions at a buffet

TLDR; I’m not losing weight as fast as my logged caloric intake would suggest so I think I’m doing it wrong.

Background: I am 24, male, trying to lose 1-1.5 lbs/week. I weigh 166.4 lbs as of today and am 68” tall. As I lift 3/week and do cardio for 30 minutes twice a week, as well as walk 40-50 minutes a day every day to the office, the online BMR calculator at puts me at 2500-2700 calories. I’m trying to eat at 1800 kcal/day.

my office provides good, nutritious breakfast/lunch/dinner so I eat all my meals there during the week. I log everything to MyFitnessPal as best I can since I can’t weigh or otherwise measure food. Here’s why I think I’m underestimating:

For the past month, my average caloric intake was 1910 calories/day, made of 81g carbs on average and 139g protein. However, during this period of 4 weeks I lost 3 lbs, where I should have lost 4-6. I think I might be underestimating how much food i eat, especially since most of eat comes from protein/calorie rich foods such as meat, dairy, and eggs.

Any advice for how to get better at measuring at a buffet-style setup?

submitted by /u/The-_Captain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

