
Am I just not eating enough?

Hi, I just started doing CICO with IF and am constantly hungry (about a week and a half). I’m 6’2” 240 and am trying to eat 1800 calories a day. I’ve just recently started jogging for about 30 minutes MWF. I had a feeling I’d be hungry during my IF window but I’m having more hunger pains when I’m allowed to eat. Yesterday I just gave up and cheated to around 3500 calories cause I was so hungry, and I was still hungry after that. I did keto last summer and never felt like this and did great, so I’m wondering if maybe I’m just not eating enough? I don’t really want to go back to keto because it was such a huge commitment. I want to keep going but I just don’t feel right and want to give up constantly just to feel right again.

Some information I’ve been meal prepping and have been eating jasmine rice ground beef and avocado, chicken asparagus and potatoes, and some smoothies (blackberry blueberry strawberry banana orange juice) with some snacks like almonds and apples with peanut butter. So I wouldn’t say I’m eating unhealthy.

I use to eat a lot out maybe around 4000+ calories a day (at least most recently) and I didn’t gain weight super quickly (went from 220-240 in about 9 months). Idk maybe this is just the first phase and later I’ll start to be okay but I don’t want to end up starving myself and making it worse when I should have just been eating a little bit more.

submitted by /u/mymymy23
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