
Wanna gain weight

So I'm not sure if this is the right place or if any of you know of a sub in which I can talk to people about it or can help me out here. I am very skinny, I'm male about 5' 6" and weigh from 110-118lbs and want to know of healthier foods that are packed full of the things that will get me some weight. My arms are very skinny and it has always been an issue for me and makes me feel uncomfortable in my own skin, however I'm not unhealthy but out of shape (to many video game seshes) but I do do some walking and push ups. I just want to put on like 10-15lbs (honestly muscle or not) so I'm not skin and bones. If anyone knows of a book, website, or sub that can help me with this I would gladly appreciate it so much.

submitted by /u/SkrliJ73
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

