
I started eating Cheez-its again. I need your help people.

I hate to say it but I know I’m heading back down the dark path. Since Christmas I’ve been on my diet and I’ve been able to loss a ton of weight. I look much better and have been able to stick with the diet. That being said I’m starting to slip again. I’ve been great with self control throughout the diet, even in tough situations, and have been able to stay strong, but lately I’ve been giving in.

I’m going into my 5th month of dieting. The first 3 months I did amazing and was able to get right back on track after having a cheat day about each month. Unfortunately ever since Easter, my last cheat day, I’ve been worrying myself. I haven’t cheated everyday since Easter but some days I disappoint myself. I feel like I don’t have the same self control I did at month 2.

Dieting has given me so much hope and happiness. People had been warning me about gaining weight back but I had been so confident that I had now mastered the self control necessary to ensure that doesn’t happen, but now I’m doubting myself. I’m not going to give up but I was hoping some of you guys would have some advice for getting back on the horse. Have any of you experienced the same thing I’ve been going through? How did you get back on track? Any advice/support is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/whitey115
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

