
What are things you can do to stay regularly active when you dont have a regular schedule?

For one, I'm a bartender. I work usually at night and sleep in as I didnt get home until midnight-2am, but my schedule is almost never the same. I'll pick up morning when I'm short on cash, things like that. Thankfully where I work has some healthy options so I'm fine eating at work but try not too. My boyfriend who is one of those people who just doesnt gain weight, and he loves my home cooked meals, but hates fruit, hates most veggies, and just about anything that isnt meat, cheese, and potatoes.

My diet isnt regular and my availability weekly to work out isnt regular and I cant find a way to keep to a regimen with my inconsistent lifestyle.

Any tips to keep to my diet with a boyfriend who wont eat healthy and/or to keep on a workout plan when my schedule doesnt stay the same.

submitted by /u/grawster
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

