
Filthy casual study: how 🦈s affect water weight!

I wish I knew of an app that did this automatically (plotted cyclical data on the same chart as weight data so I could see trends at a glance) but I don't, so I did it myself. All I did was mark the first day of each cycle in red. Shark week lasts about a week for me. I've observed that I seem to fluctuate down just before and during the first few days, then it swings up hard only to fall back down again once it's over. I'll then typically flux upward again mid-cycle (post-ovulation, the luteal phase).

My TrendWeight chart seems to corroborate those observations. The gray line is actual weigh-ins and the red line is the trend. (Disregard December: I was out of town and didn't actually weigh, so those are estimated missing scale readings using linear interpolation.)

Anyway, every woman's different—feel free to share your own experiences and/or data!—but I wanted to share an illustration of how much my cycle affects my weight via water, particularly as someone who's maintaining. It's not just during "that time of the month," it definitely varies based on the other phases of the cycle as well.

While I'm here, shout-out to TrendWeight ( for being a very handy tool!

submitted by /u/walkSMASHwalk
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